Bobby and I have just returned from almost two weeks in Wilmington. We had a great time, and Bobby is certainly a little water baby. Every day we spent either in the "pool", the water way, on the boat,or at the Seaside Club. I was hesitant about the ocean because I had heard that kids were afraid of the waves...well not Bobby. As soon as we got there, he was running straight for and into the waves. He was delighted and laughing out loud as the waves were crashing all around us and knocking him over. It was so much fun for me to watch him be so fearless. But also a bit scary because I realized that I can truly never take my eyes off of him, nor do we sit still for more than a minute of two. And my back was paying for the wave jumping the next day:)
He was also never a stranger to any child playing anywhere around him on the beach. He would just walk over, sit down and look at the kids, as if to say, "so what are we playing?" Fortunately, most of the other kids were very nice and tolerant of Bobby.
But overall, the summer has been wonderful and I am so grateful for all of the time that we have had to play and enjoy the outdoors. And of course the messier we get the better. I have decided that there truly is little that a mother won't do for their child...I do not like to sit in the sand, but I spent quite a bit of time with a bathing suit full of sand!!
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