I can NOT believe that my little girl is ONE!! Everyone says that time moves fast, but nothing can describe how quickly I feel that this year has passed. I felt like the first year of Bobby's life passed in a flash, but this one was almost a blur. I am so happy and also a little sad at the changes that have happened. She has gone from 8 lbs of baby that was completely dependent on me, and is now walking, saying a few words, and holding her own with her brother.
Her party was a success...thanks to the help of many and all of those that came to be a part of the big day. We had neighborhood family and friends and family from Wilmington and Charlotte. It was a full house, and we loved every minute of it!
My mom was generous enough to give me her sewing machine to use. And I have decided to learn and teach myself to sew. My first successful (if you don't look too closely:)) project was a Super Bobby cape. Unfortunately, the stomach bug and some other type of bacterial infection has hit my little guy hard, so he doesn't look super excited in the pictures. But I forsee that he will get lots of enjoyment out of the cape...or at least I hope so!
You might think it's Batman.... But no, it's Super Bobby off to save the world!
Samantha is growing so much everyday....and eating is one of her FAVORITE things to do. And if given the chance, she gets down and dirty with the food...spaghetti being the best!
Well, there was a major snowfall in Clayton the day after Christmas....unfortunately, we were still in Wilmington and missed it:( But it did snow in Wilmington, although it was just a dusting...enough to make the grass a bit white, but nothing of significance. So we came home on the Tuesday after Christmas, and there was still enough snow to play in on the ground. Sam had cleared the walk ways and the drive way, but at 8pm the night we got home, Bobby HAD to play in the snow. So play in the snow we did. Or Sam and Bobby played while Samantha and I watched. And the snowball fight began and fun was had by all. And now we are just waiting for the next snowfall....
Christmas morning was so fun. I loved watching Bobby's excitement at what had happened while he slept. "Santa brought me a Spinosaurus....how did he know that is what I wanted? And a black dragon?!!!" All said with a huge smile on his face and amazement in his eyes...it was wonderful to watch. Made the lack of sleep just disappear...at least momentarily:) And although Samantha didn't know what was going on, she loved her gifts, and gave us all her own gift....her first steps!!
Bobby loved his gifts and truly appreciated them, which was great to watch. And Samantha loved her dino stride and ride, grocery cart, and all of the babies. I have a feeling that I am going to have a girly girl on my hands, despite the swords and diggers that she is constantly playing with too:)
Christmas Eve was a busy day....we had a lot of "prepping" to do to be ready for the big jolly man's arrival. When we visited Santa, he told Bobby that chocolate chip were his favorite kind of cookie. So we had to make cookies. And then in the afternoon we sprinkled magic reindeer food in the yard. The glitter and oats make it possible and easier for Rudolph and the reindeer to find our house....a very important element of the whole Christmas thing...at least according to Bobby.
We always spend Christmas Eve with GG and Poppy on the boat. But unfortunately, I didn't take very many pictures on the boat. I was dealing with some major sleep deprivation that finally caught up with me right in time for Christmas. But the kids had a great time, and I enjoyed beginning all kinds of fun traditions with my little guy and can't wait for next year when Samantha can join in the fun too:)
While we were in Wilmington for Christmas, we made our "real" gingerbread house. Carrie and Mummu helped in the construction and decoration. My "construction" of the house was a bit sub-par, hence the food cans propping it up while the decorating was happening. And of course, as usual, Bobby was more interested in licking icing off his hands and eating the candy. But with some help and guidance, we were able to make a beautiful house! Thanks for the help Carrie and Mummu.
I am behind. I always seem to be making excuses for the timeliness of my posts, but the truth is that these days there just aren't enough hours in the day for all the things that I have to do, need to do, and lastly, want to do. So here are some pictures from Bobby's Christmas party at school. He had a great time and has really enjoyed all the friends that he has made at school.
the three amigos snack time the book exchange rudolf cookies that I made for the party. I was happy with how they turned out