The latest week at Wrightsville Beach was with the Long side of the family. Almost all of the cousins were there for the week, and we spent ALL day every day at the Hanover Seaside Club. Some nights Sam and Bobby stayed and swam until after 9pm!! I couldn't believe that we had such a swimmer on our hands. And although Samantha and I went home earlier, she was an absolute little trooper for the entire week. It was truly a joy to watch all the boys (they are all boys except for Samantha) play and enjoy their time together. GG and Poppy spent most of the week with us too, so that was a wonderful treat for everyone. We also went to the aquarium one day because it rained. And once again, Bobby, Andrew, Cooper and Samantha had a great time. And to watch all the boys dote on Samantha is wonderful. I look forward to many years and summers together by the sea!
Bathing Beauty

The boys fished for and caught fish, shrimp and crabs

Andrew, master fisherman

An attempt to get all the cousins together, minus Samantha

And everyone enjoying the water